As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I preferred the color versions (originals) of Antelope Canyon over the black and white conversions. This particular photo was very close to me liking this one over the original. This one has a more dream-like feel to it. Perhaps it's the light coming in to the canyon, or that feeling of a fog coming. I don't know. In the end, I still preferred the color version, as you'll see on Thursday.
Categories: [Black/White] [Canon 30D] [Landscapes]
Tags: antelope_canyon arizona page
I really like this shot - color or B&W they both are excellent...I guess If I were to want to frame it - the location would determine the choice.
Great shot, Ken.
John S on 12th April 2010 @ 12:34pm
This is very dreamy looking.
Jenn on 13th April 2010 @ 2:51pm