I preferred last weeks photo of this same shot better in black and white for some reason. Maybe it was the portrait style or the negative space brought on my shooting in portrait. Fast forward a few frames and I captured a series of photos of this same bush in landscape. Initially, I tried processing in black and white on this one, just to give it a chance, even thought I knew the color version would be a better fit for this. What are your thoughts?
Categories: [Canon 30D] [Landscapes]
Tags: none
The tumbling tumbleweed, even though I know this is a tree. I like both pictures for entirely different reasons. I'm a black and white junkie but I do like this color version a smidge better for the blip of color and the enhancement of the edges of the dune piles. I am enjoying all your photos. You are photographing in my childhood territory. Last night I looked at the snow piled and blowing in my front yard and wistfully thought how much like these very dunes it looked like...
Renata on 11th February 2011 @ 12:51pm